Today I finished my Stargaze Dolling Sew Along. I wanted the inside to be a family album. First, I needed a special fabric for the inside and didn't have one handy. I read an article in Quilting Arts magazine on ice dyeing. I tried it and that became the fabric I needed.
This technique is really fun. This photo shows the piece I dyed using Kemtex Dyes that I had purchased from Sarah told me I'd love them, and I do. How I miss not being able to share this photo with Sarah. Sarah passed away in December and I shall miss her terribly.
The other piece I used Procion MX dyes and used a bit more ice. As you can see in the photo with the pictures, it turned out more on the pale side. Which is really good since I wanted the photo's to show. If I'd used the brighter piece I'd be looking at it instead of my grandchildren.
This is the inside of my Stargaze Dolling Sew Along. I decided that when I'm working on a piece that I have placed inside it would be lovely to be able to sit and look at my grandchildren from time to time. As you can see, the fabric is not as bright which does not distract from the photos.
What is a Stargaze Dolling Sew Along you ask? And, did I originate the idea? No, it is not original. I was given a roll up by a friend in Australia. She and her guild had made several and sold them as a fund raiser for their charity. Gwen had an extra one and when I admired it she gave me one. I have used it many, many times. But, I decided I wanted to embellish one.
What it is is a mailing tube covered with fabric that can be opened. You then place your needle work inside to keep it from creasing. I'm taking classes from Gloria McKinnon on crazy patch, so my blocks fit nicely inside the roll up.
Inside the tube I have made a wee doll that also opens up. In her "tummy" is a compartment that will hold small scissors, threads, ribbons, etc. It is lined with wool felt so that needles can be placed there and kept clean and sharp.
This is a project I'll be teaching at Fobbles in Cumbria, UK. You can see my wee doll, which is my answer to the Hussif. She fits nicely inside the roll up. She still needs her skirt and I've decided to add a tie at her shoulders which will stick out of the top of the roll up so that she doesn't fall to the bottom and get all crunched up.
By the way, her hair is upholstery trim. Great stuff for hair.