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September 14, 2011


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well!This was also the day I left to drive to The Quilters' Studio in Newbury Park, California. What a fabulous quilt shop. I taught a two-day workshop and met wonderful doll makers and caught up with Linda Fisher, who had been on the cruise with us in February. She'll send me photo's as I forgot to take some.

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his was also the day I left to drive to The Quilters' Studio in Newbury Park, California. What a fabulous quilt shop. I taught a two-day workshop and met wonderful doll makers and caught up with Linda Fisher, who had been on the cruise with us in February. She'll send me photo's as I forgot to take some.


Fabulous new babies. Love the dolls. What kind of fabric do you use that stretches. I have a really great fabric, almost like linen for my Annies and it has turned out better than just a plain cotton (for face painting). But with the sculpting, I would like a bit of stretch. Fabric is so thin these days. Happy visiting in IL, Daddy turned 95, but I haven't gotten back yet. Blessings, Janet

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