Today I worked on Ms. Maddie Hatter's socks and knickers. What fun I had. I'll be posting a few pictures soon. Who is Ms Maddie Hatter you ask? She's the doll I'll be teaching on the next doll cruise.
Right now she's pretty naked, except for her socks and knickers. The hat she's got on in the photo is not what she'll be wearing on the cruise. In fact, she'll have several hats.
Part of what we'll be doing on the cruise is making several hats. She's a hatter, you know. She must have many hats.
We'll also be working with silk cocoons adding all kinds of embellishments to them to add to her hats and to her purses.
It will be great fun. Hope you can join us. Here's the website for more details:
Today the September/October issue of Soft Dolls & Animals arrived. Scott Publications does a terrific job of putting an issue together. They like to include projects for all levels of doll and animal making.
But, there was a blatant copyright infringement in this issue. Coco, the Jester Clown that starts on page 44 is a direct copy out of my "Creative Cloth Doll Making" book. The person who made the clown didn't even bother to remove the markings from the pattern pieces. All my publishers markings are shown in black and white. So, afraid both the magazine and doll maker will be getting a nice little letter from the attorneys. Glad I'm not in their shoes. It won't be pleasant.
The project, Coco, the Jester Clown, used the pattern I designed for the cover of the book. If you are going to copy someone, you certainly shouldn't use a cover girl.
But, no one should use someone's pattern and claim it is their own design. I love it when people use my books and patterns to create dolls to sell, give away, keep. But, you can't photo copy the patterns and use them in another publication and claim it is your own design.
Just a little venting on my part today. Later this week I'll get back to fun stuff.
Happy doll making, and I do hope you send me pictures of the dolls you've made from my designs.