The past month has been jam packed with activities. After Heidi and I arrived back in San Diego we started looking for wedding gowns, planning the engagement party and showing Raphael San Diego when he arrived.
One of the places we took Raphael was ComicCon. This is a San Diego home grown event that has grown each year until it has become the largest convention held here. The day we attended Hugh Jackman was there helping promote his new movie based on his character - Wolverine - from the X-Men. We didn't get to see him, but heard the screams as he entered the autograph area.
If you are ever in San Diego around the 3rd week in July check it out. Although, you do have to purchase tickets in advance. The event sold out this year in June.
Heidi is holding a wee doll that is in a traveling doll round-robin I'm in. This particular doll is made by Mary Hurlburt of Connecticut. I'll be sending the doll to Indiana next.
While Tess (the doll) visited me she went to Albuquerque, NM for the Enchanted Doll Artist Conference.
Here she is hanging out with Barbara Willis, Sally Lampi and elinor peace bailey. The 4 of us shared a room and had a fabulous time. EDAC is so fun. I had to leave early because of Heidi and Raphael's engagement party but the two days I was there I loved it.
Back to ComicCon. People dress up like you wouldn't believe. Heidi and I love all things Star Wars. Even the bad guys.
There are heaps of fairies in attendance. I especially loved this gals costume. And, traveling Tess had to be in the picture. We were at ComicCon on Thursday but next year I hope to go on Saturday. That is the masquerade day. I can't imagine what that would be like as so many people dress up on other days.
I've added a new blog link on the side bar. My publisher Rockport/Quarry has started a wonderful blog. There are excellent tutorials on projects from many of their books. Plus, they feature projects readers have made from the books. Do check it out. It is the Craftside blog.