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July 09, 2008



Thanks for the pattern Patti!


Monica @ GGTW sent me this way ... please remind me to thank her. :) & Thank YOU for sharing the pattern.

Annette Swafford

Try this:

I cheated and looked at the source for the page to grab it. There are a couple of errors that prevent it from being a link.

I'm going to make a couple.

Monica Magness

Oh I also had trouble retrieving the pattern, it most likely is a typo in the URL (I do that all the time). Looking forward to stopping back in to DL it. Thank you!

Monica Magness

OO Patti! I love this, thank you for inspiring P-L-A-Y! As you know I'm a hooooge fan of your doll patterns and THANK YOU for taking out all complications where using them is concerned... your patterns have always suited my need to just go with it!

Also wanted to stop in to say I got word from ADQ, our pink doll is currently on its way back to me. I'm on pins and needLs while I wait. How fun to be reunited with her [Miss Love Squared] before our BIG party sets off!

love & blessings, Monica :)


Love your new pin doll Patti!
I couldn't get the link to open though... :o(
Have a sew-wonderful day!

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