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January 03, 2008


Rosetta Stone

so good

Mel M. M. M.

What sheer delight. I love this! Thank you so much for the stunning inspiration! :O)


Hello!, Patty

Am Mayra Rene López Menchaca.

Due to the fact that I saw in Barnes and Noble library one of your books was
that I initiated my taste for the wonderfull world of dolls.
For two years and a half I follow your page and your work. For my it
is a fountain of inspiration.

I live in Monterrey, Mexico,

Thank you for reading this message and I congratulate him sincerely on
your work.
It is excellent.

Regards for you and your daughters who are so creative like your.

receives a greeting and an invitation commits an outrage in order
that you visit my blogg.

Sincerely mayra rene


Thanks for such a detailed tutorial. I really enjoyed your feature in Stitch Magazine.

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