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August 26, 2007


fabric addictions

Hi Patti
I just wanted to thank you again for coming and spending your time with us... Even though I didnt sit down much I learned a lot and thoroughly enjoyed both yours and Pams company... you gals are so fun to be around. I hope you enjoyed yourself and got caught up with your friends.
Have a travel safely
Hugs di

Birgitta Lindblom

Oh, when are you going to visit Sweden?

Karen Mallory

What fun to go teach in Australia! I would love to go myself sometime as I have a lot of online friends from Oz! I just love your dolls and books.
hugs Karen

Lemon Tree Tales

Wow, just look at the face on the bald doll with greens and lilacs! She's absolutely gorgeous!!! The others are beauts as well. It looks like everyone in the class had a lot of fun. As they should. :-)


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